Trump administration is ramping up de-naturalization efforts, something once almost unheard of
a long, and very concerning NYT Magazine article
Is Denaturalization the Next Front in the Trump Administration’s War on Immigration?
The prosecution of naturalized United States citizens is a sign of a gathering storm.
By Seth Freed Wessler
On the morning of June 2, 2017, Odette Dureland woke to a loud knock on the door of the one-story bungalow that she shares with her husband and her children. She was recovering from minor surgery, so her 26-year-old daughter, Rebecca, rose to open the door. Outside, there was a group of federal agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Rebecca was confused: Everyone in her family was a citizen. She told the officers there must be a mistake. They told Rebecca there wasn’t; they had a warrant for the arrest of her mother. One officer ordered Odette to dress and then led her out of the house and into a government vehicle...
...The prosecution of naturalized United States citizens like Odette Dureland is a sign, immigrant advocates fear, of a new and gathering storm for immigration policy in the Trump era...“We have always focused on those who have done something terrible,” a former Justice Department attorney told me. “If that’s now changing, if we’re going after people who did nothing of note, or whose wrong caused no harm, it means they’re going after citizenship.”
...This summer, it became clear that the Trump administration was ramping up denaturalization efforts.
[The article is too long to reproduce here in full--but I encourage you to read the whole thing at the New York Times website here .]
Posted: to Citizenship News on Thu, Dec 20, 2018
Updated: Thu, Dec 20, 2018